Featured Articles

Boost Your Marketing Efforts with Feedback
A marketer’s ultimate goal revolves around increasing sales, but in the creation of a successful campaign, every aspect is built to foster engagement. Engagement will result in more cases coming into your laboratory, as well as boosting customer loyalty, brand recognition, and overall satisfaction for both patient and dentist. Optimizing engagement requires insight into what your dentists are interested in seeing. The best way to gain this insight is by collecting customer feedback…

Website Metrics
Most dental laboratory owners have embraced having a site for their business. Unfortunately, that is where many stop. A website can provide a host of valuable statistics and metrics that can aid you in improving not only the content on your website but also your conversion rate and overall sales. Obtaining this insight and implementing it effectively requires an understanding of what you are viewing. Some of the key metrics you should be analyzing for your website are bounce rate, time on page, and the number of pages visited…

Building a Solid and Consistent Identity
Getting off on the right foot with a prospective client is crucial to maintaining your laboratory’s upward trajectory. Making sure a new clinician trusts your team and is open to potentially partnering with them could involve in-person meetings or phone calls, but that personal contact is not always possible. Having a secure brand identity that accurately portrays your laboratory’s mission and values to the appropriate audience is the next best thing…

SEO: How Does Your Site Rank?
Search engine optimization (SEO) is a term thrown around constantly in the world of online marketing. By its most basic definition, SEO is the use of keywords that, when placed into an online search engine, allow your website to be brought up as a search result. This optimization improves your dental laboratory website’s results based on organic search, which is unpaid and uses natural rankings…

Data Science: Imagine the Possibilities
Since the advent of dental laboratory management software, laboratories have been thrust into the world of big data, inundated with numbers, statistics, and client information. Consuming and utilizing such data requires the application of data science, which employs scientific methods, processes, and algorithms to gather, analyze, and implement valuable information to benefit a company…

Reputation Management
Online reputation management (ORM) focuses on maintaining a positive online reputation that aligns with your company’s goals and values. Many laboratory owners get tripped up in growing their business due to their neglect of ORM, with some barely having an online presence at all. The three types of ORM are building, maintenance, and recovery…

The Productive Benefits of Automated Marketing
Marketing is a key factor in ensuring your business’s success as it can keep your products and services front of mind for clients. Everyday marketing tasks, such as sending emails and updating social media, can bog down a workflow and become a burden. That is where automated marketing tools, such as HubSpot, Hootsuite, and Buffer, revolutionized and streamlined certain repetitive and time-consuming tasks…

Why Your Website Needs An SSL Certificate
An SSL Certificate is a form of data encryption that maintains the privacy and security of information sent to and from a website. It helps ensure malicious parties will not end up with any of a user’s personal information that is not openly shared, such as passwords, credit card information, social security numbers, and home addresses…

Beyond Viewability
Ads are carefully cultivated to appeal to a company’s specific audience. They are used to establish a brand identity in the minds of consumers or to promote a certain product or service. You can create the most creative and enticing ad possible, but without viewability analytics, you may never be able to quantify its success…

Website Security
In today’s digitally driven world, a website is necessary if one is to be considered relevant. To maintain and leverage this relevancy demands attention to detail, especially when it comes to web security. The security of your website should be top of mind, especially as dental laboratory sites continue to advance and incorporate online case and file submission…

Making eNewsletters Work for You
When asking a laboratory owner if they have ever thought of doing an eNewsletter, the common response is, “That’s a great idea, but I don’t have the time or know where to start.” Of course, this initial dialogue is commonly followed by, “I don’t know where to start, and I have very few email addresses for my dentists.”…

Keys to Profitable Marketing in the Digital Age
Terry Fine, the President of AMG Creative, was invited to present at the Dentsply Sirona Lab Marketing Summit in October 2017, as well as the CAD/CAM Symposium put on by the DLOAC in November 2017. Terry’s presentation, “Keys to Profitable Marketing in the Digital Age”, generated a tremendous amount of interest from lab owners at both events. To view this prime example of AMG’s dental industry marketing knowledge at work, click on the link below.

What’s in a Domain?
To accommodate the exponential growth of online shopping in recent years, businesses worldwide continue to open Web-based storefronts. As domains continue to get scooped up by entrepreneurs around the globe, there are far fewer available domains to choose from…

Gauging Your Clients’ Brand Loyalty
Let’s face it, most customer surveys aren’t very useful in yielding a substantial amount of responses or producing significant data that can be leveraged by your business. Even when surveys do generate responses from your customer base, are the responses substantial enough to draw correlations between your brand and the client?…

The Power of E-Newsletters
The world of digital marketing is vast and ever changing. If you only have the resources for one type of effort, let me suggest an email newsletter. Email is the most effective marketing channel and an e-newsletter is a good place to start for a number of reasons….

Saving an At-Risk Client
We know from various industry studies that, on average, dentists use more than three laboratories. That means your customers are also using your competitors. Are you making sure you’ll win them back? While marketing can help you identify new clients and generate new business…

Beyond Word of Mouth
Word of mouth marketing is one of the most effective ways to build new business. But it is not the only way and it certainly does not work on its own…

Beyond the Click
If you’ve done any online marketing, you have undoubtedly paid attention to your ads’ click rates. And why not? The internet’s interactivity and tracking capabilities made monitoring click rates…